Do it for Redders

Ten years on: 2014/15 revisited — part four

Words by: Patrick Gunn
Artwork by: Lee Shackleton
Mirco Antenucci's head. That's it. With a big beard. He was a handsome fella, tbf. Half-decent player, too. Shame he was a bit of a shithouse, mind.

‘Instability’ seems too casual. During a time of whatever more than ‘instability’ is, Neil Redfearn was one of the few constants at Leeds United. Until the doomed appointment of Darko Milanic, the popular academy director had been caretaker coach of the senior side three times, bringing a welcome sense of calm on each occasion while everything around him spun in endless turmoil. After Milanic had been shown the door, Massimo Cellino realised there had been a safe option in front of him the whole time, or at least realised there was nobody else left to turn to.

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