Thanks for signing up to listen to The Extra Ball, the new podcast from The Square Ball!
The first episode will be along in a few days, but for now here’s a little welcome message so you can check everything is working.
Paste this feed address into a compatible podcast app:
And you’ll be able to listen to this and new episodes of The Extra Ball alongside all your other podcasts for as long you’re a subscriber. Just enter your username and password when you’re asked.
Compatible podcast apps include:
Desktop: iTunes Desktop app for Windows and Mac. Or via The Square Ball website.
iOS: Apple Podcasts; Overcast; Downcast; Pocket Casts.
Android: Pocket Casts; Podcast Addict; Podcast Republic; BeyondPod; DoggCatcher.
Remember that we’d love you to be part of The Extra Ball! Send your question via a voice message on WhatsApp to 07899 555 459. Or email it to [email protected].
Thanks again for signing up โ we really appreciate your support, and we hope you’ll enjoy listening. โ
The Extra Ball: (Protected Content)
TSB+: (Protected Content)