Please note that if you’re a TSB+ member, you need to stay subscribed to keep receiving the TSB+ Daily emails, and discount offers, that come as part of your membership.
We send the following emails from The Square Ball:
Don’t Miss — a weekly round-up of Leeds news and all our new posts, usually sent on Saturday mornings. This goes to customers who opt-in and people who sign-up through the form on our website.
The Square Post — a morning email sent when there are any new posts on our website. This goes to people who opt-in using our email preferences form.
These emails are only sent to members and subscribers:
TSB+ Daily — a round up of Leeds news and our new posts, sent every day to TSB+ members.
TSB+ discount offers — sent to TSB+ members when we release new merch, to let them know they have a new discount code.
New magazine announcements — sent to TSB+ members and all magazine subscribers, to let them know when a new issue is published.